суббота, 23 июля 2016 г.


Note: The possibility of the illegal activation of this version is not known

If your mouse is activated illegally, do not update the version of the program.

If you want to activate a new mouse use:

Crack Bloody 5 License Generator V2015.0616A

Bloody6_V2016.0722A_US.zip Скачать Bloody6   Drobbase YaDisk

14 комментариев:

  1. Hi! I have a small trouble if you know how to fix it! im on version 6 Driver, and I want to go back to version 5. when i install the v5 driver it dont detect my mouse! do you know how to reset it!? thanks

    1. It is impossible to downgrade locked in this program

    2. bro mine bloody v8 is not detecting in bloody 5 software plz plz sir help me

    3. if your V8 is not detecting in 5 version, it means its set with some other version, When i updated my V8 with bloody 6, thn I uninstall the bloody6 and install bloody5 it didnt detect the v8. you have to install the other version maybe upgraded version!

  2. Hi! Can we expect crack for Bloody 6? Like Keygen for Bloody 5? I won't pay 20$ for fully function of mouse I bought for 20$...

  3. Ответы
    1. if your using cracked version 5! you will lose it! and if you set ur mouse on version6 you will not be able to use it on version 5 again!

  4. Hello,
    i've got a core 3 activation file from bloody and it worked fine. But later i've lost my usb reciver. I've bought a new one but it has changed my mouse id so core 3 isnt working.. Can i change something in that file that can fix it? Bloody doesnt replay for my emails....

    1. It is very strange that the receiver has changed the mouse ID

    2. i know but it does :/
      i've got the old bld file and purchuase confirm but they dont response...

    3. You can try to do the activation on the computer where it was never used bloody mouse. But bear in mind that a rollback to an older version of the software is not. Version 2016 is not activated illegal activator.

    4. same thing happened to me. first I got the illegal activation notice as you have already given above, then my mouse ID changed. A few seconds later, the mice totally gone and there is no respond when I plug-in, even at another pc. Any help?

  5. Helllo,
    I have 2 bloody mouse, v7m and tl8 used on different pc's and for some reason bloody does not detect tl8, i used it on v5 but the software was deleted. I tried to download the v6 form official page but was not working so i found bloody v4. It was not working with it , i have connected it to my PC where is v6 and it is still not detected. I have updated to v6 on pc that the mouse is used and still not working what to do now ? PLS help.
